meet Kristianne
In the morning shade of my garden grows a magnolia tree and gardenia bush. Their roots are intertwined and for what affects one, so does the other. This year, the gardenia grew high, throwing fragrant branches between magnolia flowers. Like a botanical garland of grace they flourished together. But how? Wouldn’t the hundreds of flowers sink beneath their weight? Behind the gardenia lies the answer. A tether that binds the two at the base well above the deep roots. A tree and a bush that bloom in concert; sharing each other’s strength. No one was meant to journey this life alone. These are the ties of God’s love that bind us to each other.
What if we purposed every day to show God’s love and compassion? In a small world, we chose to love big? I have always had a tender regard for the walking wounded. Those who were without hope and felt abandoned by God. Compassion That Compels grew from the essence of who God created me to be. I walked alongside my two sisters-in-law and sister as they bravely battled cancer and faced my own life-changing diagnosis. Through it all, I have learned valuable lessons and among them is this: the gift of HOPE and a single act of kindness is never wasted.
I am and will always be, a relentless pursuer of the next in my life and in the lives of others. I love seeing people build their best life and have meaningful relationships with those around them.
My life of love is filled to overflowing for my husband Royal. Our two world-changer, fabulous daughters Grace and Annelise, join us on grand adventures. They color my life with all the good stuff. Collecting people, writing, traveling, and exercise are among my pursuits. Showing God’s love and compassion is my purpose.
Know that you are loved,