Intention: Joy
Have you ever watched someone lose the vision for their life? Like a tire that goes flat, it’s not from a sudden burst but rather, a slow leak. There’s so much about our world right now that ransacks our spirit, leaving interrupted dreams. Fear thrives in lonely, tight places.
Maybe you thought because you knew more scripture than most, that you’d never drop into a pit and have to claw your way out. As if somehow, being a mature Christian grants immunity from certain pain. Have faith in the provider.
When I think on the times that I’ve cried out to God in the valley of despair not once did I hear. “Precious child, my grace is insufficient or you’ll have to go at this alone. I can’t supply what you need.” Trust God in the process and you’ll find joy in the most unexpected places.
Never once, before showing compassion, did Jesus lean down and say, “Pinky swear, promise you’ll stop sinning first.” Or even, “Go! Clean yourself up and hurry back, because I’m going to spit in some dirt and rub it on your face to heal you.” No my friends, Jesus Christ was moved with compassion because He saw the hurting soul. He knows that we are weak. Our imperfect weakness brings Christ’s perfecting strength.
I commit to:
No longer feeling hopeless because of yesterday’s regrets. I know your word says in Psalm 18:19 that you bring me to a spacious place because you delight in me. Today, I find this same joy and delight and join my God in a spacious place where praying is like breathing, to heal my soul.