As I grew spiritually, I felt something missing in my prayer life. My church was doing a “Daniel Fast” for 21 days and so ever the spiritual enthusiast, I participated. My only real exposure to Biblical fasting was when Jesus was in the desert and after 40 days…He was HUNGRY. Then the devil pops in offering a variety of food rivaled by even the best sneeze guard covered, all you can eat Sunday buffet and worldwide travel and dominion. Jesus resists feasting on the word of God alone. He is Jesus and he had nothing to eat. I could do 21 days and moreover, I knew it was unlock a powerful prayer life. I was a few days into the Daniel Fast, and a minute into prayer before I focused on my hunger, grocery list, or where my friend bought her super cute shoes. There was no revelation and I was left hungry, and obviously in need of new shoes. The days passed and I wrote this in my prayer journal. “I don’t fast to go hungry. I fast because I hunger.” It was my revelation. I hungered for the power of the Holy Spirit in my prayer life.
For 21 days, I followed the Daniel Fast. I still had friends at day 22, AND I was hooked. Routine prayer and fasting became a part of my life, along with meditation. My 21 day fast has evolved to no sugar, dairy, meat, and caffeine. I fast shopping (YES) unless it’s a needed food or family item. Due to my commitment to Compassion That Compels in our virtual space, I’m not able to fast social media. I do put limits on my screen time. Fasting is personal and defined by what you need to be released from. I’d encourage you to sit down and write out where your emotions and physical body seem to land.
I’m a how to and really only read the quick start directions, so here’s the short list of tools and resources with clickable links!! I will have more in my next blog but here’s your quick start.
Pray: Beginning January 2nd, every morning before you open your phone or computer, devote time to using the A heart set on pilgrimage prayer guide. Start with a dedicated time of prayer without distractions from the day. I like to use my old, out of print version of the NIV 1984 Bible with the maps falling out, I mark up with the date beside the verse or passages I read. During my dedicated prayer time I journal in my own handwriting. It’s powerful, like a handwritten thank you note instead of a text. I have years of prayer journals and enjoy rereading them. Oftentimes, I’ll take a pic of an entry from past years to share with someone if it’s a prayer for them.
Mediate: The word meditate comes from the Latin word meaning to contemplate or measure. Meditation in some Christian communities has taken a negative connotation. I’m not here to debate worldview but I know this. Christians are called to meditate on God’s word. Every In Her Lane podcast has a few minutes of guided meditation.
Fast: If you choose a fast like the Daniel Fast, my dear friend, Kristen Feola is an excellent resource. I’ve recently found Revelation Wellness and they offer a 21 day fast and guide as well. Gather your food supplies. Take all the tempting pantry foods and put them on the highest shelf or to the back of the refrigerator.
Connect: Connect your mind, body, soul and spirit. I do exercise through my 21 days and along with Emily Paretti, we are offering 3 gentle yoga classes at no charge. Sundays – 3rd, 10th, & 17th at 5:00 pm CST. If you’d like to incorporate your Christian faith into your yoga practice, YogaFaith is an incredible resource.
Routine: Showing up is key. If you need to make a calendar event, then do it. Find your place and make it inviting, almost a sacred space to be with God and soak in his presence.
Pray: Yes, they are bookends and everything in between for this 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting.
I’m excited for this journey with you! Comments are welcome here or email me!