Intention: Form a sacred routine
My youngest daughter, Annelise didn’t just play dress up, she had her own fashion line and a princess dress was a part of her daily wardrobe. Annelise would twirl and dance in her clear, plastic high heels despite the heat buildup that put a film of moisture across her half painted, pink toenails. A trail of glitter sweat from her play eyeshadow would stream down her face. It was pure joy to watch. At times, she’d stop, push her bangs up into her sparkly crown, and say, “Mommy, are you happy at me?” It was her way of knowing that her joy was contagious. To her 3 year old heart, there wasn’t a concept of someone being mad at her but only happy in her presence. I don’t really remember when she stopped using the expression but I miss it. I miss the stories, her excitement and being happy at her and with her.
Relationships improve when you listen. Yep. It happens when you are focusing on who and what is before you. When you do that, you’re not worried about what you are going to say or the next task before you. This infuses your soul with God’s peace and you can learn to rest in him. I began to be intentional about listening to both my daughters. I created moments without distractions. Gradually, our relationships were restored. It’s not any different in your relationship with God. When you soak in his power, you saturate your soul with his peace.
I once asked a group of BEAUTIFUL women gathered at our Just Breathe retreat, “What was the impetus that led you to intentionally create life changing habits?” Their answers ranged from a mid-life divorce, natural disaster, death of a loved one or a life changing diagnosis. We all operate out of our own personal history and change is usually caused by force or maybe consequences. Most people know what they don’t want to do, but not what they do want to do. So often in life, we stumble through days and trip through “seasons,” never taking ownership of who we are and want to be. We’re bumping along and possibly not cultivating life changing inner habits unless forced to. Maybe you don’t have positive patterns in your life or sacred rituals and routines.
How much of this life we lose living in our own heads and in the opinions of others. It’s taken me years to realize this. YOU are in charge of your own happiness. Life is a gift to be lived to the fullest! Make today the day you create positive inner habits and sacred routines. Change begins when you take ownership in who you are in God’s eyes and become all he created you to be.
I commit to
There is no better time to be still before God than when you first wake up! Why not create a sacred routine by taking a moment each morning to quiet and steady yourself before God. Write down the first emotion that you sense. If it’s the same emotion day after day, ask yourself, “what thoughts I’m bringing to bed?” Every day, write down three things you’re grateful for and one thing that inspires you. The list is endless. Still your mind and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you.