by Kristianne Stewart | Jan 19, 2021 | 2021, 21 days of prayer & fasting, Agape, Faith, God's love, Grief, Healing, Praise, Praying, Self-Compassion, Soul Care
Intention: Compassion So, I do this thing. Every morning, I wake up and say, “Thank you, God for the breath in my body and the glory of this day!” I make my bed: Monday-Thursday and Friday- Sunday is the weekend, so no making bed. When I stay in this mode, I thrive...
by Kristianne Stewart | Jan 16, 2021 | 2021, 21 days of prayer & fasting, Compassion That Compels, Faith, Healing, Intention, Jesus' strength, Joy, loving kindness, Praying, PTSD, Sacred routine, Salvation, Self-Compassion, Soul Care, Spiritual Growth
Intention: Joy Have you ever watched someone lose the vision for their life? Like a tire that goes flat, it’s not from a sudden burst but rather, a slow leak. There’s so much about our world right now that ransacks our spirit, leaving interrupted...
by Kristianne Stewart | Jan 15, 2021 | 2021, 21 days of prayer & fasting, Agape, Cancer Support for Women, Compassion That Compels, Faith, Forgiveness, God's grace, God's love, Healing, Hope, Intention, Praying, Spiritual Growth
Intention: Release fear, embrace love What you bring with you into 2021, starts with the thoughts you allow in your spirit today. It’s what you say about yourself to others and what you believe about yourself. If you could clock how fast your thoughts run to...
by Kristianne Stewart | Jan 14, 2021 | 2021, 21 days of prayer & fasting, Agape, Cancer Support for Women, Compassion That Compels, Forgiveness, God's love, Healing, loving kindness, Mercy, Spiritual Growth
Intention: Agape My closing is always, Agape & Hugs, Kristianne ? I’ve spent the better part of my adult life doing just that. Agape is Jesus’ compassion manifested in my life. Living in God’s love despite human frailties and sin, especially my own. The most...
by Kristianne Stewart | Jan 11, 2021 | 2021, 21 days of prayer & fasting, Cancer Support for Women, Compassion That Compels, Faith, Forgiveness, God's grace, God's love, Healing, In Her Lane, loving kindness, Mercy, Praying, Self-Compassion, Self-kindness, Soul Care, Spiritual Growth
Intention: Mercy I signed up on a whim for the vision board class at my yoga studio. As one of the oldest in the group, I used the most glitter glue. I noticed in my cutting and gluing frenzy that I had mostly words and few images. So I called my board, “A New...
by Kristianne Stewart | Jan 7, 2021 | 2021, 21 days of prayer & fasting, Cancer Support for Women, Compassion That Compels, Faith, Forgiveness, God's grace, God's love, Grief, Healing, In Her Lane, Intention, Mercy, Podcast, Praying, Redemption, Salvation, Self-Compassion, Self-kindness, Soul Care, Spiritual Growth
Intention: Cherish One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” John 11:1 Beth’s eight hour work day had dragged to ten. Sighing, she laid her meal...